Unbeatable Trucking Service

Starting from loading to unloading and maintaining the highest standards in terms of safety while in transit, we take nothing to chance.


Transcargo makes business flow. As one of the world’s leading non-asset-based supply chain management companies, we design and implement industry-leading solutions in both freight management.

Over 42,000 dedicated employees, working in 17 regional clusters around the globe, deliver operational excellence — to provide viable answers to the most challenging supply chain questions.

Chairman & Chief Executive Officer

Projects Done
Clients Worldwide
Owned Vehicles
People in Team

Special Services

Globally known for our ability to handle every last detail of our customers’ particular logistics and forwarding needs, TransCargo’s Special Services team takes care of all your logistics.

Reach your destination 100% sure and safe

We designed a detailed homepage layouts that will fit any transportation industry size. We will take care of your cargo or your pasenger and deliver them safe and on time!

Latest News

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    Laboratoire Valora-Lab

    Très conviviale cérémonie à laquelle la Cci Du Nord Ouest a assistée ce samedi 4/05/2024 à l’occasion de l’inauguration du premier laboratoire d’analyses des produits agricoles et agroalimentaires du Nord Ouest. Projet original...

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    Italian Packaging Design

    Dans le cadre du suivi par la Cci Du Nord Ouest des activités économiques des gouvernorats du NO,,une visite a été effectué le 04-05-2024 à l’usine de fabrication de sacs sise à la...

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    التنمية وتنظيم المشاريع عبر الحدود

    تنمية التبادل عبر الحدود: شاركت Cci Du Nord Ouest صباح يوم الجمعة 3 ماي 2024،في فعاليات ندوة دولية بمقر Utica, بتونس العاصمة،للتحاور حول موضوع:التنمية وتنظيم المشاريع عبر الحدود: التحديات والمستقبل….البلدان البحر الأبيض المتوسط...

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Progressively generate synergistic total linkage through cross-media intellectual capital. Enthusiastically parallel task team building e-tailers without standards compliant initiatives. Progressively monetize client-centric outsourcing with excellent communities.

Progressively generate synergistic total linkage through cross-media intellectual capital. Enthusiastically parallel task team building e-tailers without standards compliant initiatives. Progressively monetize client-centric outsourcing with excellent communities.

Progressively generate synergistic total linkage through cross-media intellectual capital. Enthusiastically parallel task team building e-tailers without standards compliant initiatives. Progressively monetize client-centric outsourcing with excellent communities.

Progressively generate synergistic total linkage through cross-media intellectual capital. Enthusiastically parallel task team building e-tailers without standards compliant initiatives. Progressively monetize client-centric outsourcing with excellent communities.

Progressively generate synergistic total linkage through cross-media intellectual capital. Enthusiastically parallel task team building e-tailers without standards compliant initiatives. Progressively monetize client-centric outsourcing with excellent communities.

What makes us special?

Over 42,000 dedicated employees, working in 17 regional clusters around the globe, deliver operational excellence.

and Storage

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